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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin? Safe Food

Some of the foods that we eat can make an excellent contribution to the beardie’s diet. Perhaps you may be wondering if bearded dragons can eat pumpkins.

I did some research to know if pumpkins are safe for bearded dragons and I want to share the knowledge with you. There are many questions about which foods are suitable for the beardies and which ones can harm them.

Of course, it is essential to know foods that bearded dragons can eat and those they can’t. This is essential to protect the health of your Lizard.

Let’s find out if bearded dragons can eat pumpkins, how often to feed them, pumpkin nutrition, and more.

This article has been reviewed by Dr. Dilber. Read more about our knowledge control process here.

Nutritional Information of Raw Pumpkin

Nutritional Information Of Raw Pumpkin
Nutritional Information Of Raw Pumpkin

You are not sure about the foods that are safe for bearded dragons until you learn their nutritional value. Let’s look at the nutrients in pumpkin and see if it’s safe for beardies.

Vitamin C9mg
Vitamin A426µg
Ca:P ratio1:2.1

According to USDA, which is the source of the data in the table, pumpkin has two times more phosphorus than calcium. When dealing with bearded dragons, calcium is essential for health.

The higher the level of phosphorus in the diet, the lesser the calcium absorbed into the body. And if the beardies don’t get proper calcium, this can easily cause metabolic bone disease. Also, pumpkin is relatively high in vitamin A and some other minerals.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin?
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin?

Yes, bearded dragons can safely eat pumpkins. However, since this veggie is nutritionally deficient and its calcium to phosphorus ratio doesn’t match the beardies’ recommended value, you should feed it occasionally.

If bearded dragons eat pumpkins, they will benefit from nutrients such as water, vitamin A which is better for vision, and vitamin C for healthy immunity.

Pumpkin is also a source of vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron, carbs, and B vitamins.

Moreover, fiber ensures there is smooth digestion and helps the beardies to empty their bowels with ease. Baby bearded dragons need enough fiber to digest food because they eat more insects and fewer veggies and greens.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

If you know pumpkin seeds, then I’m sure you are aware of their hard texture, which makes them not ideal for bearded dragons.

The beardies cannot chew and digest these seeds due to their toughness, and your lizard might end up having impaction.

Always feed the flesh part of the pumpkin and avoid the skin and seeds. The skin is also hard and indigestible for the beardies.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin Leaves?

Bearded dragons can eat pumpkin leaves but as a treat. Check below and see the nutrition in pumpkin leaves, according to USDA.

Vitamin C11mg
Vitamin A97µg
Ca:P ratio1:2.6

Pumpkin leaves are rich in calcium compared to the flesh. They provide a decent amount of calcium, which plays a massive role in the beardies.

However, you also need to limit the number of pumpkin leaves you give, because they have a disproportionate Ca:P ratio. Bearded dragons need a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 1:1 or 2:1.

If you compare the leaves and pumpkin flesh, you will notice that pumpkin leaves are higher in fiber, and this is a good thing. Fiber is pretty essential for bearded dragons when it comes to digestion.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkin Puree?

Pumpkin puree is not suitable for bearded dragons because of its low nutritional value and also because the beardies don’t do well with cooked foods.

Raw foods are the best for bearded dragons since they contain all the nutrients. In the wild, bearded dragons only eat raw foods; their stomach is used to that, and that’s why you need to feed raw foods to your pet under all circumstances.

So, please stay away from pumpkin puree, instead, go for raw pumpkin and those that are fresh.

How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pumpkins?

Only a few pieces of pumpkin will be enough for your bearded dragons. You can offer the pumpkin once or twice a month, and your lizard will be okay.

They don’t need too much pumpkin because it has low nutritional value.

Pumpkin has high amounts of water, which accounts for about 92g per 100 grams of the total nutrients. Excess water causes the beardies to have diarrhea. Hydration is necessary for bearded dragons, but too much water is harmful.

Also, if you feed a lot of pumpkins to your lizard, you might be exposing your pet to vitamin A toxicity. Ensure to provide the right amount.

How to Prepare Pumpkins for Bearded Dragons?

You don’t need to go through complicated steps to prepare pumpkins. It involves a few steps, which take little time.

Before anything else, make sure to buy a pumpkin that is raw and fresh. Do the same if you are picking it from your garden.

Then, wash the pumpkin properly to remove dirt and any available chemical. You will need to dry and then peel the pumpkin. You can cut it into several sections for you to peel easily.

Remove the seeds and chop the pumpkin into smaller sizes, which your Lizard can swallow with ease. Then, mix around 3-4 pieces of pumpkin with other veggies and allow the dragon to enjoy the meal.

Wrapping Up

I’m glad that you have read my article, and I hope you found it insightful. After knowing that pumpkin is safe for beardies, you can now confidently include it in your Lizard’s diet.

After eating pumpkins, bearded dragons benefit from several minerals and vitamins. But you need to feed them occasionally in small amounts.

Excess pumpkin can be harmful to bearded dragons due to its low nutrients. Always avoid feeding pumpkin seeds and puree to your beloved dragon.

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