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Do Ball Pythons Like Water? You Didn’t Know This

Ball pythons are the second most popular snake pet across the world. They come in a variety of morphs, and they are beginner-friendly. Besides being all these, do ball pythons like water? Let’s find out!

You have probably done your research, and you are sure ball python will make an excellent pet for you.

Well, you have done it right. But, before bringing in your new pet, it is critical to understand some of the things that could make your pet even happier.

In this article, we will tell you if ball pythons are water fanatics.

Keep reading to stay in the know-how.

do ball pythons like water
do ball pythons like water?

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Do Ball Pythons Like Water?

The answer is A BIG Yes, ball pythons do like water. In fact, they do not only like to drink it but soak in it too. Ball pythons being tropical creatures, they enjoy humid areas. Therefore, they like being around the water bowl to enjoy the emitted humidity.

However, it is important to understand the best ways to provide water to your ball pythons and help them stay healthy.

First, you should ensure that you provide plenty of freshwaters for your ball python to drink. It would help if you filled the ball python’s water bowl every day.

Ball pythons like to soak in their drinking water. Sometimes they defecate in their drinking water. 

Therefore, you should ensure to change the drinking water every day to prevent bacterial infections.

Secondly, you must ensure that the water bowl is clean. To be on the safe hand, you should sanitize your ball python’s water bowl at least once in a week to prevent red slime formation.

Thirdly, you should be able to understand your ball python’s water habits. For instance, it’s normal for ball pythons to bathe regularly. However, too much stay in the water could be an underlying habitat-related problem.

Fully ball python body language for you. Check it now

Do Ball Pythons Like to Bathe?

Ball pythons like to bathe

Yes, ball pythons like to bathe. And, if you provide them with a shallow water bowl, they regularly bathe on their own. However, if your ball python doesn’t seem to bathe on its own, it is your responsibility to bathe it.

The best way to bathe your ball python is by placing warm water in a bowl and letting it soak. The best temperature to use on your ball python’s bathing water is approximately 100-1040F.

The water dish should be deep enough to soak the ball python’s whole body but shallow enough for it not to drown.

You can then let the ball soak for at least ten minutes and then take it out.

Ball pythons tend to defecate after the bathe. Thus, it is critical to move it to the holding cage to prevent it from messing up its enclosure.

Ball pythons enjoy water more during the shedding period. Thus, after removing the ball python from the water, you should provide a rubbing surface where it can rub against.

You can even enjoy bathing with your pet ball python. Having more time together will build trust between humans and their pets.

Rubbing against a tree or a stone helps the ball python to eliminate the dead skin. Ball pythons tend to try rubbing against the tank when they have a stuck shed that they need to remove.

Read more about ball python not shedding

Therefore, you should be able to understand your ball pythons shedding behavior to assist it to get rid of the dead skin.

The best rubbing surfaces are stones, branches, pine cones, or a small tree. Thus, if you do not have any of these accessories in your ball python’s cage, you should include it immediately.

Can Ball Pythons Swim?

Yes, ball pythons can swim. However, whether they like it or not depends on individual ball python. Some enjoy swimming, while others don’t. Thus, before putting your ball python in a pool of water, you should understand its personality.

Swimming is an emergency skill that ball pythons possess. And, their chubby bodies help them to float in the water.

However, it would be best if you did not force your ball python to swim. Thus, instead of forcing it to swim, you should provide a deep and shallow end for them to choose.

You can tell if your ball python is enjoying the swim or struggling to stay in the water by observing their behavior while inside the pool.

If the ball python struggles to keep its head up, or it looks stressed or trying to escape, you should take it out immediately.

However, if the ball python seems to be enjoying the swim, you can stay in for at least ten minutes.

Even so, it would help if you always kept in mind that ball pythons are not typical swimmers. Thus, it would be best if you only tried to make them swim once in a while. Probably just during the shedding period.

The best rule of thumb is providing swimming water with room temperature and not deeper than 50% of its body weight.

Additionally, you should understand that water makes ball pythons move their bowels easily. Thus, you should be prepared to change the water immediately after swimming as the ball python is highly likely to defecate in it.

Want to know if a snake can breathe underwater? https://newatlas.com/biology/sea-snakes-breathe-underwater/#

Why is Your Ball Python Soaking in Water (Even Water Bowl)?

It is okay for your ball python to soak in water regularly, especially during shedding. However, other reasons could be making your ball python overstay in their water bowls.

Here are the three primary reasons why ball pythons tend to soak in their water dish.

When it’s Time to Shed

A Ball python soaking in the water when it’s time to shed is 100% okay. In fact, it’s a good thing for them and most other reptiles as it helps the shedding process quickly.

Therefore, you should not try to interfere during this period. Instead, it would be best if you let it be for a few days.

It is a natural process for ball pythons. However, if your ball python is soaking for a long time and it does not shed in a few days, it could be because of other reasons such as:-

The Ball Python Is Overheating

The other reason that could make your ball python spend most of the time in the water bowl is if you are not providing adequate temperature and humidity.

When the ball python’s cage is too hot or too dry, they tend to try to cool off or moisturize their bodies or in the water bowls.

The best temperature for ball python should be 88-900F on the basking spot, and 76-830F on the cold end.

The humidity should be 50-60%. To keep the temperature and moisture intact, you should include a thermostat and a digital hygrometer, respectively in the ball python’s cage.

Ball python soaking in its water bowl
Ball python soaking in its water bowl

There’s Mite Invasion in the Ball Python’s Cage

The other reason why your ball python is highly likely to soak in the water is if mites are feasting on it.

The best way to keep your ball python’s cage-free from mites is by ensuring that you boil and freeze its substrate before using it.

Additionally, you should always sanitize any accessory like stones or branches if you get them from your yard.

And, if you suspect that there could be mite infestation in your ball python’s cage, don’t hesitate to call a specialist to help you get rid of them.

These are the primary underlying reasons why your ball python could be spending a lot of time in their water bowl.

Females ready to lay eggs would soak

If you’ve ever wondered why your ball python is soaking in water, there’s a very simple explanation. Females who are ready to lay eggs will often soak in water for long periods of time. This helps to soften the skin and make it easier for the eggs to be laid. In addition, soaking in water can help to prevent infection and keep the eggs healthy.

If you notice your ball python spending more time in the water than usual, it’s likely that she is getting ready to lay eggs. provide her with a clean and comfortable place to lay her eggs, and be sure to check on them regularly.

With a little care, you can help your ball python have a healthy and successful egg-laying experience.

Why Is My Ball Python Under His Water Bowl?

Ball pythons can spend their time under the water bowl during the shedding period. And, since they accustomed to the tropical area where the climate is more humid, it’s normal for them to spend their time near the water bowl.

Water bowls emit more moisture. Thus, it’s normal for your ball python to love it there during the shedding period. 

However, if the ball python is not shedding, it could be because its enclosure is too dry and it’s looking for a more humid area.

But, if you are confident that the humidity is appropriate and it’s not yet time for shedding, it could be that there are no enough hides in the ball python’s enclosure.

Additionally, if the ball python’s cage is larger than it should be, the ball python can hide under the water bowl if it feels safer.

How Often Should you Change Ball Python’s Water

You should change your ball python’s water every day. And, thoroughly clean the water bowl with soap and water at least once every three days.

The water bowl should be large enough for your ball python to soak in. And, you should clean and disinfect your ball python’s enclosure with 5% bleach once every month.

Bleaching your ball python’s enclosure will ensure that there is no possible bacterial infection in their cage.

However, since ball pythons can be allergic to bleaches, you should thoroughly rinse off the cage with clean water.

Wrapping Up

Many times you have heard people say, water is life!” Well, even for ball pythons, water is a basic necessity that they should never lack in their cage.

In the wild, ball pythons get their water in ponds, creeks, or fresh rain puddles. In captivity, you should always ensure to provide fresh, clean water for your ball python to drink and soak in.

We wish you well with your ball python.

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