Do you love Green Anoles? Or are you in a position requiring excellent knowledge on how to care for them? Here, we have a compilation of the Ultimate Green Anole Care Guide for Beginners.
Green anoles are unique pets. They change in color from green to brown and back again. Kids like them, and getting to know what you need for them is a great starting point.
In this guide, I’ll share the nitty-gritties from where you can get one. Into finer details, I’ll look at the bare minimum you should look for if it’s your first time buying one. Also, should you find breeding green Anole interesting? Stay tuned.
- What Are Green Anoles?
- Do Green Anoles Make Great Pets?
- 10 Fun Facts about Green Anole
- The Cost of Caring for and Raising Green Anole
- Where Can I Buy a Green Anole?
- Home Setup for Green Anole
- How Do I Choose the Right Green Anole for Me?
- More Insights into the Ultimate Green Anole Care Guide
- Wrapping Up The Ultimate Green Anole Care Guide for Beginners
What Are Green Anoles?

Green Anole Appearance
Green Anoles can almost be mistaken for Chameleons, but they are not. Unlike Chameleons, Green Anoles only interchange between green and brown.
Green Anoles are native to the Southeastern part of North America (The western part of Texas). In their natural habitats, you’ll find them living in tree habitats. A better terminology for creatures thriving in tree environments is Arboreal.
Gender Differences and Mating
The male Anole appears with an elongated dewlap. It’s what they use to ward off invasive males and attract females for mating. In natural habitats, male Green Anoles form and protect their own territories.
Mating for Anoles typically involves the male courting a female with over aggressiveness. And upon submission, the male bites the fold located at the female’s upper neck while positioning its tail below the females.
Do Green Anoles Make Great Pets?

Yes, Green Anoles make great pets, especially for first-time reptile lovers. You’ll need to hold them as little or not at all. Being small makes their handling and feeding relatively easy.
Once you have the right vivarium for their enclosure, all you need is the drive to meet the frequent attention you require for them to thrive into healthy pets.
10 Fun Facts about Green Anole
- Male Anoles use the dewlap to woo females or scare away rival males from their territories.
- Female Anoles lay one egg every two weeks.
- On average, a female Green Anole lays ten eggs throughout the entire breeding season.
- The eyelids of a Green Anole move individually and independently.
- Anole eggs incubate with heat from the sunlight. With successful incubation, the eggs will hatch from between one to one and a half months.
- The hatchlings of the green anoles are left to survive on their own. Neither the male nor the female Anole takes care of them.
- Green Anoles are fascinating reptiles to watch and may also eat from an owner’s hands.
- Green Anoles are diurnal creatures (active by day). When not hunting, they bask in the sunshine.
- Anoles can detach from their tails to escape from predators.
- Green Anoles are insectivores.
The Cost of Caring for and Raising Green Anole

Green Anoles are an ideal pet if you are starting as a hobbyist within the reptile world. They are tiny and inexpensive pets both to acquire and maintain. Pet shops will give you one for $5 to $10 throughout the United States.
Aside from the upfront cost of buying one, there are other subtle aspects you require to factor in as the cost of care and maintenance of a green anole. Here’s a snake preview of them:
- Handle-ability: Green Anoles are very delicate pets. Allow them to become accustomed to your presence. Handle them by allowing them to climb on your hand. They are very delicate and best if you keep children off. Rough handling like grabbing can end up breaking their tails or limbs. Green Anoles are best for watch and don’t handle pets.
- Care: Ensure optimally humid conditions within their tanks. Place in insect feeding bowls and those for watering as wells. Green Anoles require calcium supplements in the feeds and bulbs for UV lights for warmth and vitamin D.
- Hardiness: Green Anoles are hardy lizards but physically very delicate. They need water and physical care with optimal space when within captivity as pets. Offer as large a space as possible with room to bask around; vertical spaces with both live and artificial plants are ideal.
- Upfront Procurement aspect: It’s hard to find a captive bred one. But are very common in the wild. Keeping a male and two or three females will see them breed prolifically within excellent conditions. Offer substrates, water bowls, and misting systems.
How much does A Green Anole cost?
Green Anoles are very common for pet lizards. And you can get one for not more than $10 across many pet shops. Once you have them initially, you have the option to allow them to breed for your future pets.
Cost for Cage Setup
Cages for housing your pet Green Anoles are available from across many suppliers. A great, ready-made one will cost you an average of $160. However, you can go the DIY route if you have the skills. Utmost, you want to provide ample solace for healthy and happy green anoles.
Cost for Food
Green Anoles have aggressive appetites for insects. Feed them with commercially bred crickets, waxworms, or butterworms. On occasions, dust the insects with vitamin D supplements. Also, avoid feeding them with hornworms as the anoles have weak jawbones to crush them.
Cost for Cohabitation
Mature Green Anoles require the correct substrate within a cage to lay their eggs in. Of course, for cohabitation, provide double the amounts of food and space. Also, females keep live sperms for several months. Therefore constant coitus isn’t a need for fertile eggs.
Medical Costs for Green Anole
While Green Anoles are inexpensive to maintain, keep them in the best conditions for temperature, humidity, and feeding.
When you see them turn brown, quite often, investigate for everyday stressors within the cage. In cases of complications, reach out to reptile vets for help.
Where Can I Buy a Green Anole?

Green Anoles are easy to buy from standard reptile pet shops. Take your time to shop around before deciding to buy one.
You have a vast array of options: reach out to friends and neighbors, reach out to vets locally and online. Also, search online sites selling the Green Anoles for pets and related supplies.
If it’s a first-time pet, ensure you have the cages with necessary installations- light, misting, substrates, feeds. Bear in mind that purchasing one isn’t hard at all. Keeping the pet in the best conditions is the gist of a happy, alert, and playful green anole for a pet.
There’s no limitation as to where you can buy your first pet. Perhaps, a more robust approach would be the number you require and for what purpose.
- For home pets, it’s pretty easy to get, say 4 of them.
- For other instances, you may require, for instance, 20 Green anoles for a magnificent hotel.
The Green Anole is a common pet, and you can buy one from the following places:
Pet Stores
Pet stores are a good source. You can easily find green anoles on sale there. The downside comes in with poor conditions the pet seller may have put the lizards in. The pet seller may miss the deal in priority for passion for money in it.
Green Anoles are prolific breeders, and specialized breeders can supply you with any number you require. Look out for the best sanitation conditions for your target breeder. Sickly green anoles may not guarantee vibrant and happy pets after purchasing them.
Classified Ads/Facebook Groups
You can benefit from special groups with an online presence for your purchase of Green Anoles. Here, you may ride on the benefits of passionate anole keepers. The downside is, you must do your due diligence before buying from the groups. Consider physical visits to complement your online verification efforts.
Reptile Rescues
Well, pet rescues are a great option too. If luck is on your side, you get the pet you just dreamt about. For pet rescues, you may seem to wait forever for them to capture and rescue a green anole. Instead, Why not buy one?
Home Setup for Green Anole

Green Anoles are playful pets, and they also happen to be arboreal (living within trees) in natural habitats. Therefore, for home setups, you require to provide them with near similar conditions.
For domestication purposes, bear in mind the need for green anoles to jump and climb around as well as basking in the sunshine. Without access to sunshine, you need to provide correct artificial lighting with c special light-wavelengths in cages.
While it’s possible to keep them captive, pay attention to the conditions of the cage. Bank on the upfront costs of sizable cages, correct humidity, temperature, and feeding. Also, take your time to look up keenly on the pet green anoles’ appearance and behavior.
Over time, you will have a glimpse of how they behave while everything is done right. And do not be amazed when green anoles learn to spot you as the darling owner – who brings in treats.
Green Anoles like high places. In standard conditions, a 10-gallon tank is ideal for a couple of anoles. In case you can provide more spacing, the better.
Housing green anoles isn’t a complication if you can provide the terrariums/enclosures- even with modifications.
Basking Accessories Like Branches, Rocks, and Hidey-Holes
Being reptiles, green anoles require careful heating and cooling adjustments within the tanks.
Especially if you go for artificial lights and heating, use thermometers to blend the temperature well within the tank’s props and grooves.
It’s allowing the green anoles to have variety: let them bask when they feel like it and take cool moments when it’s too hot.
Commercial cages/tanks have the basics. However, go overly creative into actions. Let your pets feel the natural everything within the spaces you host them in.
Dishes and Bowls
Green Anoles do not require watering dishes or bowls. They could potentially drown in them. The correct way is to ensure correct humidity within the tank.
Anoles lick the water droplets from the mist in case they feel thirsty.
How Do I Choose the Right Green Anole for Me?
Choosing the right Green Anole for your pet is easy. Here’s what to look out for:
- Look out for a bright green one. Bear in mind that brown coloration indicates some level of stress within the vicinity. From a glance, it should look relaxed with moderate body motions for normal breathing.
- Beware of the looks of the Green Anoles eyes. A good one should be bright enough. Green anoles can rotate each eye, being independent of the other.
- In terms of gender, males have an extended dewlap. In case it’s your first time, you can shop around with help from a friend with experience keeping Green Anoles.
Green Anole Health Checklist
Green Anoles are usually very active lizards. You’d want to provide adequate lighting and nutritional needs. Check out the following key factors:
- Buy a healthy, active, and bright Green Anole. Preferably with no missing body parts.
- Observe the skin color. Dark brown indicates too cold or adverse stressful conditions.
Personality is more important than its appearance.
When it comes to your interactions with a green anole, take your time to see the typical behaviors. Notice how it reacts when you feed it, how its alertness keeps shifting.
Pets keep close attention to caregivers and complement the same with intricate reactions every time you are around.
More Insights into the Ultimate Green Anole Care Guide
Here’s a List of Things You Can Feed to Your Green Anoles:
- Flies
- Spiders
- Ants
- Slugs
- Crickets
- Beetles
- Moths
- Termites
- Butterflies
- Cockroaches
- Worms
For diet supplements, consider dusting the insects with special dust containing Vitamin D.
Daily Feeding and Cleaning Routine
Feeding and Cleaning for Green Anoles are relatively straightforward. For your daily feeding routine, bear in mind the following tips:
- Provide clean and fresh water in shallow bowls at all times. Green Anoles also quench thirst by licking on droplets on leaves. So correct humidity and misty conditions help here. On a separate note- ensure that the water you provide is free from chemicals like chlorine. For the case of Green Anoles, you can work with rainwater.
- You feed your Green Anoles for the insects, dust them once (utmost twice) every week with vitamin D and other multi-vitamin powders from a Vets shop.
Your daily cleaning routine for the Green Anoles includes the picking and discarding of the droppings.
For health reasons, please use paper towels (not empty hands). And wash your hands clean after that.
Please note that Green Anole Droppings and those from most reptiles and bird species are infected with Salmonella Sp microorganisms. Salmonella causes severe illness to human beings.
More specially, take greater caution if your homestead has kids less than five years of age. Salmonella is detrimental to them.
During your feeding and cleaning chores, take your time to check up on your pet’s behavior. It’s the best time to note any deviations from the ordinary and see if extra attention is required.
Monitor how they grasp the insects you present for feeding them and their alertness whenever you are around them.
Handling and Bonding
It takes time for a Green Anole to accustom to you as the new owner. If it’s fearful, allow it to initially duck and hide into the grooves you made available in the tank.
On a broader note, Green Anoles are a just view kind of pt. They require little or no handling at all. It’s best if you keep children off handling them. They are very delicate reptiles.
Master to look at the reactions of a Green Anole within your presence. If, one it’s fearful. Refrain from grabbing it. Rough handling of the delicate but adorable pet may end up breaking away part of its body- like the tail and leg.
In case the tail breaks away, that should not cause you huge bouts of worry. Lizard tails are known to break off and re-grow again.
You may use gloves or ensure you wash your hands right after handling a Green Anole for a healthy note. It helps avoid transmitting infections from the pet reptiles to yourself and those around you.
The more you interact with a Green Anole correctly, the best it will bond with you.
Start by holding an insect in your hand and encouraging it to pick it from you. If it remains hesitant, do not force it. Drop the insect into the tank, and the Green Anole will readily feed f-n it.
It may take some time, and it will learn the cool cues, and over time, it should be unafraid to pick the treats right from your hand.
Shedding of skins is common across most reptiles. However, for Green Anoles, it is a bit unique.
The point is a Green Anole will shed the skin on bits from its body. Another reptile, specifically a snake, will shed the entire body’s skin in one piece (Not broken up into smaller pieces.
Watch out for the transition between shedding and growing of new skin cover. It should be even.
Under some rare but abnormal circumstances, the Green Anole may grow its skin unevenly. It’s a condition known as dysecdysis (or better- abnormal shedding of the skin)
The abnormal condition results in the Green Anole appearing to have abnormal wrinkles and spots that appear to be itchy in place of normal skin.
In case the Green Anole is habited within abnormal conditions, which could be the cause. One culprit is the excessive humidity of the tanks.
One viable home-remedy for abnormal skin shedding on a Green Anole is to soak it in some warm water. Allow it 10 to fifteen minutes, and the skin leftovers should peel away naturally with gentle finger rubbing or scraping.
In case the soaking may not help with the situation, reach out to a vet for help.
On an occasional basis, a Green Anole will benefit from a warm bath. More so, the bath is very beneficial if it coincides with the shedding of the skin. Also, in case the Anole is infested with mites, a bath helps ease the discomfort.
If you notice, mites, bathe the Green Anole in warm water with some diluted Betadine solution. Aside from killing the mites, it helps disinfect and heal the bitten spots on the skin.
Note that you can let the green Anole bathe itself. Offer it some fresh water in a moderately shallow bowl with a shallow fill of freshwater. The depth should allow for the lizard to submerge itself into the water. The bowl of water is also very beneficial during the periods when the lizard is shedding off its skin.
Tip: If the bowl is too shallow, the water in it evaporates too quickly. So one with moderate shallowness ensures longer spells of cool and freshwater for our lizards.
The bowl you offer to the lizards for bathing should be firm enough – it should never overturn when the lizards jump on its side. Otherwise, there may be injuries or more fatal scenarios with the green Anoles in case of an overturning one.
Make a habit of changing the water daily. It helps to clear away the dirty water- which may also have fecal matter in it.
For Green Anoles, brumation is what hibernation is in mammals. Please understand it from the point of view of how the Green Anoles thrive in wild habitats.
In colder regions, they supplement less activity (playing and feeding) with almost inactive states- apart from breathing.
When Green Anoles thrive under captivity and with excellent conditions, they may not exhibit any brumation forms at all.
The nexus is Anoles within captivity have no reason to brumate. And in case you note any forms of inactivity, ensure all conditions are in place for optimal thriving. If the green Anole shows any signs of slowing down inactiveness, look out for stressors within the tank/cage.
- Are temperatures too low?
- Is the humidity okay?
There are many discussions regarding brumation as a whole when it comes to Green Anoles.
Under wild habitats, there may be shifts in the activeness and populations of Green Anoles lurking around. Partly, it could be attributed to global warming and its consequential effects on weather patterns.
The other key appearance feature about brumation is the skin color of the green Anole. If most of the time it’s brown, something could be wrong with the surroundings. And an indication of a stressor factor. But ordinarily, Green Anoles in the wild turn to brown before brumating.
Cleaning the Habitat
Besides the daily tasks regarding hygiene in the tanks for your Green Anoles, experts recommend a monthly cleanout exercise.
First, scoop out all the substrate material and discard it away.
Next, disembark all furnishings within the tank: trees- live and artificial, and all the feeding equipment.
For all the trees and bowls, disinfect with a solution of composing 10% bleach. Pay attention to the plants’ undersides, where potential vermin like mites may find room to hide.
Clean out the entire tank and for the bleaching solution – please use brands that are scentless.
Allow up to an hour of free aeration. Replace all the furnishings and feeding /water bowls and allow the tank to align itself to room conditions.
The cleanliness of the tank is essential. In case one of your lizards has a dropped tail, pay even stricter attention to the tank’s entire tank surfaces. The best way to help a lizard with a dropped tail is to allow it a clean healing spree – without any infection finding a way through the hurt/re-growing tail.
An occasional thorough cleaning helps avoid many fallacies with the health of your Green Anoles. If done right, it is adequate to ensure your pets stay healthy, bright, and with least any hiccups you can avoid at first instance – with hygiene.
Green Anole Health Diseases and illnesses
Symptoms of an ill Green Anole
Although Green Anoles are hardy lizards, they fall sick. Here are red flags to watch out for:
- Diarrhea with traces of blood or mucus.
- Loss in weight plus low appetite
- Discharges from either the mouth or nostrils
- Breathing difficulties and coughing
- Overall lethargicness
Once you notice any or a combination of the above, reach out to a credible vet for help.
Disease Affecting Green anoles
Ear Infections
The infection manifests in a bulging eardrum. Also, you may notice pus around the ears. Green anoles feel pain whenever they open their jaws, and you may note an unusual trend of shaking the head.
Amebiasis arises from bacterial infections. It occurs with less frequency for green anoles than meat-eating reptiles.
It’s a viral infection and shows up with sores around the mouths. It affects the inner parts of the digestive tract and also extends to damaging the liver.
Also known as the swollen vent, arising from the inflammations around the Green Anoles vent.
Metabolic Bone Illness
This disease causes bowing of limbs and other deformities. It may be an indication of calcium deficiency in the diets.
The remedy requires boosting the calcium ingestions by dusting insects/feed with vitamin D supplements.
Also, ensure the correct form of UV lighting, which helps generate adequate vitamin D.
Mouth Rot
Mouth rot arises from poor diets and or in combination with adverse temperature and humidity.
On most occasions, swellings of the tissues around the mouth will appear.
Treatment approaches may include surgery and administration of antibiotics.
Keeping Your Green Anole Healthy
Green Anoles are easy-to-maintain lizards. While captivity allows you to have a pet you like, you need to provide an excellent environment for them to thrive.
To keep them healthy, you’ll be required to step into the shoes of Mother Nature.
Keep overall tank/aquarium hygiene. Adhere to a combination of daily and regular but thorough cleaning sprees.
Feed them appropriately. Offer relaxing plants for the Green anoles to bask when they like. Offer groves for them to hide when they wish. Of particular interest are the humidity and the temperature of the environments.
Domestication of the Green Anoles calls for an effort to provide what nature offers them in the wild, albeit with limitations with space and plant assortments within the tanks/aquariums.
When the worst comes, take up the responsibility on time. Keep in touch with vets. They’ll help you at both levels – preventive and curative.
Wrapping Up The Ultimate Green Anole Care Guide for Beginners
Green Anoles are great pets if handled and taken care of in the correct way. They are pets that appreciate the excellent care and less physical handling.
In wild habitats, Green Anoles are hardy pets. And you can ride on that by providing them with the best conditions under the domesticated conditions you keep them in.
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The ultimate care for a Green Anole comprises the following key pillars:
- Timely and nutritious feeding
- Providing adequate humidity, temperature, and lighting conditions
- Daily and periodical cleanouts for the cages/tanks and the equipment therein
- Careful observances of the behaviors and monitoring adverse trends
- Creating free moments to connect and bond with the pets
You will appreciate that keeping vibrantly healthy Green Anoles takes more than picking and paying for one from a good pet store. It all starts with picking a healthy Anole as a pet.
Take the time to learn more and more regarding how best you can take care of them. There are many sources and resources for handy tips and information:
- Subscribe to online forums (YouTube, websites for pets, etc.)
- Keep in touch with local and far-flung Green Anole enthusiasts.
- Keep in contact with a professional Vet. Best with one who specializes in Green Anoles
Keeping Anoles as pets require due care regarding how you handle their excretions. As applicable to other reptiles, if you mishandle the poop, you can contract Salmonella. Therefore, invest in pairs of rubber groves and fresh running water for the hygiene of your hands.
The fundamental yet straightforward acts will keep your Green Anoles healthy. And by extension, that too will contribute to the overall vibrant health of the family members of those within your home or facility.