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Can Iguanas Eat Avocado? 5 Basic Facts You Should Know

We consider avocados to be one of the healthy foods that contain many nutrients. Avocado is one of the superfoods for weight loss and for beating obesity. This is all true for humans, but what about Iguanas? Are they considered healthy for Iguanas also? 

It would help if you didn’t let your pet have any of the items in your diet without proper information, as most of those foods might be harmful to them. As a fact, Iguanas can’t eat all types of fruits and vegetables. Let’s dig deeper into this matter and learn what you should or shouldn’t feed your Iguanas.

Can Iguanas Eat Avocado?

No, you should not give your iguana avocados because they are toxic. Strawberry, blueberry, banana, apple, and cantaloupe, among others, can be added to an iguana’s diet for variety. 

Fruit should be sliced for easy consumption. Kiwi, figs, and small berries contain a high level of oxalates. These can be given occasionally as a treat, but use moderation when feeding them. 

Can Iguanas Eat Avocado? No! you shouldn't feed it to them
Because of the oxalic acid in avocados, you should not feed avocados to your iguana

Why Is Avocado Poisonous To Iguanas?

Avocado contains oxalic acid, which is poisonous to iguanas because it binds to the calcium in their bodies. The creature will not be able to take advantage of calcium if it is bound and will suffer as a result. 

An iguana with poor bone density can suffer from fragile bone structure, which is not a simple problem. With this, it is evident that feeding avocados to your iguanas can be dangerous. 

What Is Oxalic Acid?

Oxalic acid is a highly oxidized and powerful acid that is naturally found in both plants and animals worldly. In plants, free acids accumulate as metabolic end products. Fruit is a natural source of oxalic acid, a natural ingredient in many foods. 

Oxalate is a soluble salt formed when calcium, sodium, iron, and potassium combine with this acid. The oxalate in this substance binds useful nutrients in the consumer’s body, preventing these nutrients from being absorbed into the system. Insoluble oxalate crystals do not easily flush out due to their insoluble nature.

How Harmful Is Oxalic Acid For Iguanas?

Iguanas are greatly affected by oxalic acid, which may be deadly to them. Iguanas can suffer from metabolic bone disease, an illness caused by the consumption of foods containing oxalic acid.

It is always advisable to check for movement of your iguana if you are unsure whether it has the metabolic bone disease. A pet that moves slower than it used to or with difficulty can be sure that it is in pain while it is moving. If your iguana has bone density issues, you should take him to a veterinarian.

If consumed over the long run, oxalates will be stored in the kidneys in crystallized or mass forms, and calcium deficiency will result. Spinach, rhubarb, avocado, celery, beetroot, chard, fried potato chips, parsley, and leeks are some of the vegetables high in oxalic acid.

don't feed avocados to iguanas
Avocados is nutritious to humans but not to iguanas. The oxalic acid in it will bind calcium in lizards

What Should I Do If I Accidentally Feed My Iguana With Avocado 

Even if you know what to feed your pet or not, sometimes your iguana may accidentally eat avocado. If iguana has eaten it in a small amount, then it’s not dangerous to its health. However, it would help if you observed its health afterward to avoid any discrepancies. 

On the other hand, if they consumed it in bulk or are unsure of its quality, take them to the vet. Typically, the amount of oxalic acid fed should not be 100-200 IU/per kilogram (2.2 lb) per week kilogram. 

What Other Foods Are Toxic To Iguanas?

All the subspecies of the common green iguana are basically herbivores, folivores, and frugivores. Their diet consists mainly of leaves, weeds, flowers, and fruits. 

The quality of the food we give to captive kept reptiles is imperative to their health. They are stuck with what’s on offer, so it’s our responsibility to ensure they are getting healthy and worthwhile nutrition.The iguana should not eat meat or insects. 

The best foods for Iguanas include plants, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Other foods, such as kale and spinach, can cause harm if too much is fed to them. There are goitrogens in kale, and too much of this can cause thyroid problems. Oxalates in spinach can bind calcium and may lead to metabolic bone disease, which can be fatal for the iguana.

spinach are harmful to iguana lizards
Spinach is one other food you shouldn’t feed to your pet iguanas

Some vegetables can be harmful to iguanas, and pet owners should be aware of which vegetables are safe to feed them. Iguanas should not be fed broccoli, turnip, lettuce, carrots, bananas, Swiss chard, cauliflower, etc. These vegetables are also not suited for consumption by iguanas.

Best Foods To Feed Your Iguana

Dark green leafy vegetables should make up 80-90% of the diet, and only 20% of the diet should come from fruit. You can also feed them other red, orange, and yellow vegetables. Celery and iceberg lettuce, which contain mostly water and few nutrients, are light green vegetables that should be avoided. 

Some of the vegetables you must feed your Iguana include turnip, bok choy, romaine, parsley, beet greens, escarole, and others rich in calcium. The vegetables rich in calcium should make up about 40% of the iguanas’ diet. Other foods may include peas, corn, carrots, peppers, broccoli, asparagus, okra, and sweet potato. 

Iguana eating best food to feed to iguanas
Iguana eating

You can feed your pet iguana fruits such as apples, pears, bananas, mango, peaches, tomatoes, guava, kiwis, dates, blueberries, and strawberries. However, not a large part of the iguana’s daily diet should be made up of these fruits. Learn more about the iguana diet and nutritional needs. 


Can iguanas eat rotten fruit?

No, iguanas have a good sense of smell. When food smells stale or weird, they tend to eat less.

Can iguanas eat bananas?

Yes, they can eat bananas, but in a limited amount. Both banana peel and banana can be fed to iguanas. They make an excellent addition to its diet. Due to low sugar content, they are fed in moderation. 

Can iguanas eat bread?

Yes, iguanas enjoy whole grain bread, rice, and pasta as treats occasionally. You can also add cooked pasta to your pet’s food.

Last Sentences

Iguanas are beautiful and intelligent creatures that can live up to 20 years and more if properly looked after. They require time, dedication, and experience to keep them healthy and happy. Keeping them in captivity also requires a good diet, adequate space, and the right setup parameters.

There will naturally be many illnesses and health issues to cope with as well as many good and bad times, regardless of whether you keep an iguana for a short or long period of time. 

It is not recommended that you feed your iguana avocado since it contains oxalic acid which is toxic to the animals. In order to keep your pet healthy and happy, feed them only the fruits, vegetables, and insects prescribed by the herpetologist.

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